Thursday, December 25, 2008
Untuk pelengkap hidangan sayur asem nie..
Bahan :
Bumbu :
Lengkuas 1ruas - ketuk
Gula merah 2potong
garam 1sdt
perasa/masako secukupnya
daun salam 3lbr
ketumbar 5biji -haluskan
Cara membuat :
didihkan air -/+ 500ml
masukkan semua bumbu - tunggu sampai gula larut
masukkan tempe
masak sampai air tinggal 1/4nya
angkat tiriskan
panaskan minyak masak
goreng tempe sampai kecoklatan
angkat hidangkan bersama sayur asem.
Do you know tempe exist in almost Javanese food? It is very nice food or you can make side dish from this marvelous food!
Tempeh, or Tempe in Javanese, is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybean into a cake form. It is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein.
Just like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but tempeh is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities.
Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber and vitamins compared to tofu, as well as firmer texture and stronger flavor.
Tofu, however, is thought to be more versatile in dishes. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine some consider it to be a meat analogue. Even long before people found and realized its rich nutritional value, tempeh was referred to as “Javanese meat.”
A short history of Tempeh
Tempeh processing could be the oldest food technology in the history of Javanese people.
Serat Centhini, a book published in the 16th century, indicates that tempeh had been produced and consumed by the time of its publication.
Tempeh might have been introduced by the Chinese who are making a similar product, soybean koji, which are dehulled soybeans fermented with Aspergillus molds. The use of Rhizopus as tempeh starter in Indonesia may have been due to its better adaptation to the Indonesian climate.
The earliest reference to tempeh by a European appeared in 1875 in a Javanese-Dutch dictionary.
The rise of tempeh's popularity in Java and its spread to other parts of Indonesia and other countries of the world began in the 20th century. In the 1970s the banana leaf as container for the production of tempeh was replaced by the use of plastic bags.
However, my fellow food lovers. Go for the tempeh made in banana leaf. Its smell and taste heaven!
Production of Tempeh
Tempeh begins with whole soybeans, which are softened by soaking and dehulled, then partly cooked. Specialty tempehs may be made from other types of beans, wheat, or may include a mixture of beans and whole grains.
A mild acidulent, usually vinegar, may be added in order to lower the pH and create a selective environment that favors the growth of the tempeh mold over competitors.
A fermentation starter containing the spores of fungus Rhizopus oligosporus is mixed in. The beans are spread into a thin layer and are allowed to ferment for 24 to 36 hours at a temperature around 30°C (86°F). In good tempeh, the beans are knit together by a mat of white mycelia.
Under conditions of lower temperature, or higher ventilation, gray or black patches of spores may form on the surface -- this is not harmful, and should not affect the flavor or quality of the tempeh. This sporulation is normal on fully mature tempeh.
A mild ammonia smell may accompany good tempeh as it ferments, but it should not be overpowering. In Indonesia, ripe tempeh (two or more days old) is considered a delicacy.
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Thanks for the recipe, mau dicoba nih, kalo berhasil nanti dikabari.
ReplyDeleteBtw, ketumbar itu corriander seeds kan? kok dikit banget cuman 5, mesti halus banget kayak bubuk atau setengah halus?
maaf lambat jawabnya.. Yup betul ketumbar adalah coriander.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya utk ketumbar tergantung selera juga..
tapi jangan sampai lebih dr 1/2sdt. nanti rasanya jadi lain.
bisa halus ataupun setengah halus.
Selamat mencoba yah.. ntar kabari yah... :)