Thursday, January 22, 2009


Sudah nggak asing lagi bagi orang Indonesia yang namanya Pecel

Cocok dimakan kapan saja.. mau pagi,siang ataupun malam. tetep enak..
apalagi dengan ditambah kerupuk,tempe goreng atau dadar jagung..

Yuk kita coba buat sendiri...

Bahan :
kacang tanah 250grm

Bumbu halus :
Gula merah 200gram
cabe 7buah/ikut selera
kencur 1ruas
daun jeruk 2lbr
bawang putih 3siung
garam secukupnya

Cara membuat :
goreng kacang tanah dan haluskan (bisa ditumbuk atau di blender)
gaulkan dengan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan sampai merata dan pekat.
jika kurang lengket bisa ditambah dengan gula merah.

Cara penyediaan :
cairkan dengan sedikit air panas,kacau rata.
siramkan ke sayuran yg sudah direbus.
pas dimakan dengan nasi putih.

The Indonesian Kitchen: Recipes and Stories

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English Version:

What is Pecel?

is an Indonesian sauce based on peanuts. It is commonly served over boiled vegetables. It is similar to the sauce used in Gado-gado.Or I guess the proper name should be "peanut salad dressing"
The Pecel is nothing new to Indonesian as it is used to eat at anytime. And normally it is eaten with cracker , fried tempe etc..
Lets try the recipe...
~ 250 g of Peanuts
~ 200 g of Palm Sugar
~ 7 clove of chilli
~ Lesser Galangal or known locally as kencur.
~ 2 pieces of Lime Leaves
~ 2 clove of Garlic
~ Salt . Add to the flavor
~ Fried the peanut .
~ Once the peanut is cooked ( when you did not hear any "popping" sound) , put these nuts in the blender .
~ mix all the ingredient (lime leaves, garlic and salt) into the blender . Untill these ingredient become fine.
~ mix all the ingredient with Palm Sugar.

Whenever you want to eat the pecel, you may use hot/boiling water to mix it. Then the paste is good to eat with vegetables and rice.

Here you are, do enjoy the Pecel

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